Well, the new songs are finally finished! Thank god. Actually, the process was rather enjoyable eventhough it seemed to take forever and a day. I haven't gotten much feedback from everyone out there but what we have gotten has been positive.
Lately I've had a spurt of creativity. To be more specific it's been an out-of-control wildfire. For a long time I've been feeling burned out and my attitude toward things - well, everything - has been pretty bad. And, if you know me, you know my bad mood can encompass an entire city block (whatever that means).
While in Chicago I was still feeling uninspired though I had hoped the trip there would spark something. There I was with Kim in this great city going on an exciting adventure but yet I still felt bored - and for no good reason. Here were our day and a half trip's highlights:
* The Art Museum
* Second City
* Pete, the Bartender at Tantrum
* Shopping
* Riding the El
* Getting lost in South Chicago
* Staying at the hostile (I've never stayed in one)
Sounds like great fun, eh? Well, it was. However, I came across something that I guess I went there looking for. While shopping at the Urban Outfitters (of all things) I picked up a book called "How to be Happy, Dammit." I started leafing through it and got engrossed to the point that Kim asked me if I was going to shop or just stand there. Well, I came across some words of wisdom that gave me the kick in the ass I needed:
"Do what you always do, and you'll get what you always get."
It was so simple that I couldn't believe it. I read it a couple more times and could feel my heart race and my stomach drop. That was it! That was my answer! However, I didn't know quite what to do.
After getting back home I went on like I normally do for about a week afterward feeling the same as before. Unbelievably I forgot about what I read until about a week later. I started thinking about it again and it really really hit me. I needed to do something different.
It's been about a month and since then I've written a one-woman musical going through a day (or weekend, actually) in the life of a starving artist. It will be a 45 minute show of 11 songs which will also fit on a CD. I will be performing this show solo to tracks having props onstage and acting everything out. It will be part spoken-word and part musical. It will be called The Brass Ring. Hopefully I will be ready to perform this early next year.
I also began moving forward on an accessory idea that I've had for a couple years. I made the protype and showed it to a store owner at one of the local malls. The owner loved it so much he's partnering with me, finding investors, taking it to manufacturing, and trying to get it in stores nationwide.
I've also rediscovered my love for making clothes. I am pursuing getting my designs in local boutiques.
Sounds like a lot, eh? Well, there's one more thing. This is an idea I've also had for a couple years and wasn't sure if something like this already existed. It's the Artists Couch Exchange. One of the more difficult yet most necessary thing for an independent artist to do to promote themselves is tour. On of the biggest expenses is lodging. However, now with the internet artists from all over the world are connected and communicating through things like mailing lists. It was obvious to me that there needed to be an official couch exchange where a touring artist could search through a database of willing hosts and arrange their stay - for free. I have begun the website, couchexchange.org and will be functional in about a week.
That's about it. I feel so much more alive and well that I can hardly express it. I get a little worried that I might be viewed as too scattered and not focused enough. I worry that I might not be able to follow through on everything. When I told my friend Debby that she just said, "Well, just make sure you follow through." That's what I intend to do.
What I thought then... and what I think now.
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IMHO you've got the right aswner!